The VictoriaMetrics Observability Blog
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Time Series Database

How to reduce expenses on monitoring: Swapping in VictoriaMetrics for Prometheus

by Roman Khavronenko on Feb 13, 2024

This blog post is the first in the series of the blog posts based on the talk about ‘How to reduce expenses on monitoring’, stackconf 2023. It is about open-source instruments and techniques from theVictoriaMetrics ecosystem for improving cost-efficiency of monitoring.


Performance optimization techniques in time series databases: sync.Pool for CPU-bound operations

by Roman Khavronenko / Aliaksandr Valialkin on Dec 8, 2023

This blog post is the fourth in the series of blog posts based on the talk about ‘Performance optimizations in Go’, GopherCon 2023. It is dedicated to various optimization techniques used in VictoriaMetrics for improving performance and resource usage.


Performance optimization techniques in time series databases: Limiting concurrency

by Roman Khavronenko / Aliaksandr Valialkin on Nov 24, 2023

This blog post is a third in the series of the blog posts based on the talk about ‘Performance optimizations in Go’, GopherCon 2023. It is dedicated to various optimization techniques used in VictoriaMetrics for improving performance and resource usage.


Performance optimization techniques in time series databases: function caching

by Roman Khavronenko / Aliaksandr Valialkin on Nov 17, 2023

This blog post is a second in the series of the blog posts based on the talk about ‘Performance optimizations in Go’, GopherCon 2023. It is dedicated to various optimization techniques used in VictoriaMetrics for improving performance and resource usage.


Performance optimization techniques in time series databases: strings interning

by Roman Khavronenko / Aliaksandr Valialkin on Nov 7, 2023

This blog post is a first in the series of the blog posts based on the talk about ‘Performance optimizations in Go’, GopherCon 2023. It is dedicated to various optimization techniques used in VictoriaMetrics for improving performance and resource usage.


How to Decommission a vmstorage Node from a VictoriaMetrics Cluster

by Artem Navoiev on Aug 4, 2022

An article about how to remove a storage node from a VictoriaMetrics cluster gracefully


How to Choose a Scalable Open Source Time Series Database: The Cost of Scale

by Jean-Jerome Schmidt-Soisson / Roman Khavronenko on May 16, 2022

When looking for a most scalable open source time series database, what are the criteria to care about? Read this blog to get our recommendations.


Monitoring Proxmox VE via Managed VictoriaMetrics and vmagent

by Denys Holius on Mar 25, 2022

Monitoring Proxmox hypervisor via VictoriaMetrics, vmagent and built-in metric server


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