Monitoring Proxmox VE via Managed VictoriaMetrics and vmagent

by Denys Holius on Mar 25, 2022 4 Minutes Read

Monitoring Proxmox VE via Managed VictoriaMetrics and vmagent

In this blog post we’re going to walk you through how to monitor Proxmox VE via Managed VictoriaMetrics and its vmagent, including a step by step guide on how to set up, configure and visualise this environment.

Proxmox VE is a complete, open-source server management platform for enterprise virtualization. It tightly integrates the KVM hypervisor and Linux Containers (LXC), software-defined storage and networking functionality, on a single platform. With the integrated web-based user interface users can manage VMs and containers, high availability for clusters, or the integrated disaster recovery tools with ease.

Managed VictoriaMetrics allows users to run VictoriaMetrics on AWS without the need to perform typical DevOps tasks such as proper configuration, monitoring, logs collection, access protection, software updates, backups, etc.

The guide covers:


1. Setup Managed VictoriaMetrics deployment

If you don’t have the Managed VictoriaMetrics account yet, just sign up here – it’s free.

To read more about Managed VictoriaMetrics see the announcement blogpost

Open and create a new VictoriaMetrics deployment.

List of running deployments

Configure the deployment with parameters that best suit your case:

New deployment creation

Once the deployment is created and provisioned, you will get an email notification. Click on the created deployment to see configuration details:

Choosing needed deployment

Go to the “Access” tab, press on the Example button and choose the “Writing” section to see the authorization token for access to this deployment:

Getting remoteWrite params for vmagent

Copy the parameters from vmagent’s config field - you’ll need them later for vmagent configuration.

2. Install vmagent

The following script will install vmagent on Proxmox VE server. Please note, that remoteWrite.bearerToken and remoteWrite.url fields need to be updated with corresponding values from the previous step:

Script should be running by root user or by user with sudo rights

set -e
apt update && apt install -y curl wget net-tools jq

mkdir -p /etc/victoriametrics/vmagent
mkdir -p /var/lib/vmagent-remotewrite-data

if ! getent passwd victoriametrics >/dev/null 2>&1; then
  adduser --system --home /var/lib/vmagent-remotewrite-data --group victoriametrics

chown -R victoriametrics:victoriametrics /var/lib/vmagent-remotewrite-data

VM_VERSION=`curl -sg "" | jq -r '.[0].name'`

wget${VM_VERSION}/vmutils-amd64-${VM_VERSION}.tar.gz -O /tmp/vmutils.tar.gz

cd /tmp && tar -xzvf /tmp/vmutils.tar.gz vmagent-prod
mv /tmp/vmagent-prod /usr/bin
chmod +x /usr/bin/vmagent-prod
chown root:root /usr/bin/vmagent-prod

cat> /etc/systemd/system/vmagent.service <<EOF
Description=vmagent is a tiny agent which helps you collect metrics from various sources and store them in VictoriaMetrics.


ExecStart=/usr/bin/vmagent-prod \$ARGS
ExecStop=/bin/kill -s SIGTERM \$MAINPID
ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP \$MAINPID

cat> /etc/victoriametrics/vmagent/vmagent.conf <<EOF
ARGS="-promscrape.config=/etc/victoriametrics/vmagent/scrape.yml --remoteWrite.url= --remoteWrite.bearerToken=b1b569bb-4e91-453d-8fc6-77c9a6ffaf10 -remoteWrite.tmpDataPath=/var/lib/vmagent-remotewrite-data -promscrape.suppressScrapeErrors -influxListenAddr= -influx.databaseNames=proxmox"

cat> /etc/victoriametrics/vmagent/scrape.yml <<EOF
  scrape_interval: 10s
  scrape_timeout: 30s

  - job_name: 'vmagent'
      - targets: ['']

chown -R victoriametrics:victoriametrics /var/lib/vmagent-remotewrite-data
chown -R victoriametrics:victoriametrics /etc/victoriametrics/vmagent

systemctl enable vmagent.service
systemctl restart vmagent.service
ps aux | grep vmagent

3. Configure Proxmox VE to send metrics to vmagent

Login as a root@PAM or user@pve with Administrator permissions to Proxmox VE:

Login to Proxmox Web UI

On Datacenter menu choose Metric Server and add InfluxDB remote write store:

Adding new Metric Server on Proxmox PVE

Set parameters as to match this screenshot:

Configure parameters for Metric Server

Configure Firewall on Datacenter level to allow metrics from on 8089/UDP port to be accepted:

Firewall rule

4. Verify metrics sending

Run the following command to check that vmagent actually receiving the write requests from Proxmox:

for i in {1..10}; do curl -sg | grep 'vm_ingestserver_requests_total{type="influx", name="write", net="udp"}'; sleep 2; done

The expected output is:

vm_ingestserver_requests_total{type="influx", name="write", net="udp"} 989
vm_ingestserver_requests_total{type="influx", name="write", net="udp"} 989
vm_ingestserver_requests_total{type="influx", name="write", net="udp"} 989
vm_ingestserver_requests_total{type="influx", name="write", net="udp"} 989
vm_ingestserver_requests_total{type="influx", name="write", net="udp"} 997
vm_ingestserver_requests_total{type="influx", name="write", net="udp"} 997
vm_ingestserver_requests_total{type="influx", name="write", net="udp"} 997
vm_ingestserver_requests_total{type="influx", name="write", net="udp"} 997
vm_ingestserver_requests_total{type="influx", name="write", net="udp"} 997
vm_ingestserver_requests_total{type="influx", name="write", net="udp"} 1004

From your deployment’s Dashboard tab at Managed VictoriaMetrics we should be able to see the changes in the graphs:

DBaaS Graphs

An increase in Active time series and Datapoints ingestion rate would mean that deployment is receiving write requests from vmagent.

5. Check the obtained result in your browser

To see collected metrics in Grafana we need to add a new datasource pointed to the deployment at Managed VictoriaMetrics. Go to the Access tab at Managed VictoriaMetrics deployment, press on the Example button and choose the Reading tab. Please see the screenshot below:

Getting credential for VictoriaMetrics Cloud

You can see the details from screenshot above to create a new datasource in Grafana. See the screenshot below:

Adding VictoriaMetrics datasource in Grafana

Now you need to import Proxmox dashboard to Grafana. Open http://your_grafana_domain/dashboards and press the Import button:

Adding new dashboard to Grafana

Enter dashboard’s ID 13307 and press the Load button on the right:

Importing Proxmox dashboard

Choose vm-dbaas as a datasource and press the Import button.

Importing Proxmox dashboard

The expected result will resemble the following screenshot:

Full Proxmox dashboard

If this is what you see then everything is working and you can observe the data on the dashboard!

5. Final thoughts

  • We have set up a deployment at Managed VictoriaMetrics
  • We have set up and configured vmagent on Proxmox VE
  • We have configured Proxmox VE to send metrics to the vmagent via UDP
  • We have configured Grafana to work with Managed VictoriaMetrics deployment
  • We visualized resource usage in Proxmox VE via Grafana

Please comment below if you have any questions, or feel free to contact us.

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