Monitoring Azure AKS & Azure Linux with VictoriaMetrics
Learn how to monitor Azure AKS and Azure Linux with VictoriaMetrics. This blog post covers the setup process for environments with high security requirements and how to monitor them with VictoriaMetrics.
The Rise of Open Source Time Series Databases
Time series databases are essential tools in any software engineer’s toolbelt. Their development has been shaped by user needs and countless open source contributors, leading to the healthy ecosystem of options we see today. In this article, you’ll see how time series databases came about, and why so many are open source.
Community Question: High Churn Rate Without New Time Series?
VictoriaMetrics Cloud reduces monitoring costs by 5x
We’re happy to announce VictoriaMetrics Cloud, a hosted monitoring platform and managed service for metrics that allows organizations to monitor and store large amounts of time-series data, without having to run the underlying infrastructure.
Troubleshooting Time Series Databases: Where Did My Metrics Go?
I have already recorded metrics in the application, why can’t I see my metrics on Grafana?
Q2 2024 Round Up: VictoriaMetrics & VictoriaLogs Updates
Read about our Q2 2024 achievements, the roadmap for VictoriaMetrics, the latest news on VictoriaLogs, and more!
Monitoring Proxmox VE via VictoriaMetrics Cloud
Monitoring Proxmox hypervisor via VictoriaMetrics and Proxmox’s built-in metric server
Introduction to Managed Monitoring
Learn about the different types of managed monitoring services available on the market, and why you might consider picking one of them to manage your monitoring infrastructure.
VictoriaMetrics slashes data storage bills by 90% with world’s most cost-efficient monitoring
We’re happy to share customer research today demonstrating that VictoriaMetrics is the world’s most cost-efficient monitoring solution! Read the post for details!
How ilert Can Help Enhance Your Monitoring With Its VictoriaMetrics Integration
The integration of VictoriaMetrics with ilert creates a seamless environment where real-time metrics are transformed into actionable alerts. Read this joint article for the details