Inside vmselect: The Query Processing Engine of VictoriaMetrics
The article explains vmselect’s core functionalities: concurrent request processing, query parsing and validation, data fetching and merging from vmstorage nodes, and memory-efficient result caching.
How vmstorage Handles Query Requests From vmselect
When vmselect asks vmstorage for data, there’s actually quite a bit happening behind the scenes. This article breaks down the process of how vmstorage locates and retrieves your metrics, from finding the right TSIDs to sending back the actual data points.
How vmstorage's IndexDB Works
IndexDB acts as vmstorage’s memory - it remembers which numbers (TSIDs) belong to which metrics, making sure your queries get answered fast. This article walks through how this system works, from the way it organizes data to how it keeps track of millions of timeseries.
How vmstorage Processes Data: Retention, Merging, Deduplication,...
vmstorage takes data from vminsert through a concurrency limiter, creates TSIDs for each row, and puts them in memory buffers. Every few seconds, it moves data to storage parts on disk. The system merges parts, removes duplicates, and cleans old data. This turns raw metrics into data users can search.
How vmstorage Handles Data Ingestion From vminsert
This article explains how vmstorage processes incoming metrics, assigns unique IDs to timeseries, and organizes everything into different types of storage parts. The whole system is pretty clever - it uses in-memory buffers for speed, smart compression to save space, and has various watchdogs keeping an eye on things like disk space and data retention.