Heading to London: Meet Our Team at KubeCon Europe 2025
Say hello at booth #N503 for KubeCon Europe 2025 in London, meet our team, and find out about the latest updates on our new VictoriaLogs solution, VictoriaMetrics, anomaly detection capabilities, and more.
Meet Our Team at Scale 22x
Say hello at booth #313 for SCaLE 22x in Pasadena, meet our team, and find out about the latest updates on our new VictoriaLogs solution, the latest VictoriaMetrics updates and more.
300%+ Growth in 2024: Join Our Team in 2025!
When we ended 2024 with continued growth (300+%) both in terms of open source adoption and enterprise business we thought: We’re going to need some more help in 2025!
VictoriaMetrics Cloud: What's New in Q4 2024?
As we start the year we discuss the latest-and-greatest enhancements of VictoriaMetrics Cloud. These updates include two new integrations, improved billing features, enriched documentation, a more user-friendly interface, and enhanced usability—each designed to make your monitoring experience even smoother and more productive.
VictoriaMetrics Efficiently Simplifies Log Complexity with VictoriaLogs
We’re delighted to announce the GA release of our innovative logging solution: VictoriaLogs. It’s perfect for managing and analyzing large volumes of log data, especially in containerized environments such as Kubernetes.
VictoriaMetrics Anomaly Detection: What's New in Q3 2024?
Explore the latest improvements in VictoriaMetrics Anomaly Detection (vmanomaly), including optimizations, online models, multitenantcy and mTLS support.
Meet Our Team at KubeCon North America 2024
Come say hello at booth R17 for KubeCon 2024 in Salt Lake City, meet our team, and find out about the latest updates on our new VictoriaLogs solution, VictoriaMetrics Enterprise, anomaly detection capabilities, and more
The Rise of Open Source Time Series Databases
Time series databases are essential tools in any software engineer’s toolbelt. Their development has been shaped by user needs and countless open source contributors, leading to the healthy ecosystem of options we see today. In this article, you’ll see how time series databases came about, and why so many are open source.
VictoriaMetrics Cloud reduces monitoring costs by 5x
We’re happy to announce VictoriaMetrics Cloud, a hosted monitoring platform and managed service for metrics that allows organizations to monitor and store large amounts of time-series data, without having to run the underlying infrastructure.
Troubleshooting Time Series Databases: Where Did My Metrics Go?
I have already recorded metrics in the application, why can’t I see my metrics on Grafana?