Rising open source star VictoriaMetrics announces 252% growth in 2022
VictoriaMetrics also made an impact at the cutting edge science, assisting the monitoring tasks of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the European laboratory for particle physics, CERN.
Data Centre & Network News
The company’s downloads reached 100 million in 2022, including one million on GitHub. Its enterprise offering grew by 289% over the last year, and Grammarly, Wix, and Adidas are among its customers.
Is it time for time series databases?
In our always-on world of continuous computing (and continuous integration and continuous deployment) there is (arguably) a more pressing need for time-series databases.
Are smaller data centres intrinsically more sustainable?
The trend towards smaller, out-of-city data centres presents an opportunity for businesses to increase their flexibility and sustainability. As costs rise, it is important to analyse the energy consumption of data operations and consider different ways to reduce impact.
Data centre strategies for carbon reduction
By understanding how data flows you can make changes to ensure energy efficiency. Put simply: less RAM use and less CPU use equal less carbon footprint.
Tailor-made monitoring solutions: VictoriaMetrics & CMS team up to monitor the universe & beyond
We were searching for alternative solutions following performance issues with Prometheus and InfluxDB. VictoriaMetrics’ walkthrough of use cases, and concise detail gave us excellent insight into how they could help us.
Open source startup takes monitoring to new frontiers with superior scalability
VictoriaMetrics, the open source, time series database monitoring solution, has revealed its role assisting the monitoring tasks of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the European laboratory for particle physics, CERN.
Edging out existing technologies: VictoriaMetrics & CMS team up to monitor the universe & beyond
Initially implementing VictoriaMetrics as backend storage for Prometheus, the CMS monitoring team progressed to using the solution as front end storage to replace InfluxDB and Prometheus. This had the added impact of removing cardinality issues with Influx.
VictoriaMetrics & CMS team up to monitor the universe & beyond
Initially implementing VictoriaMetrics as backend storage for Prometheus, the CMS monitoring team progressed to using the solution as front end storage to replace InfluxDB and Prometheus. This had the added impact of removing cardinality issues with Influx.
Milestones gather momentum: VictoriaMetrics & CMS team up to monitor the universe & beyond
VictoriaMetrics, the open source, time series database monitoring solution, has revealed its role assisting the monitoring tasks of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the European laboratory for particle physics, CERN.