Q2 2024 Round Up: VictoriaMetrics & VictoriaLogs Updates

by Jean-Jerome Schmidt-Soisson on Jul 5, 2024 5 Minutes Read

Many thanks to everyone who joined us for our recent virtual meetup, during which we discussed some of our Q2 2024 highlights, including features highlights, the 2024 roadmap for VictoriaMetrics and all the latest news on VictoriaLogs!

In this blog post, we’d like to share a summary of these highlights.

Latest Community Stats

  • Downloads: 650+ million
  • Slack users: 3.4K
  • Telegram users: 2K
  • Contributors: 254
  • 20 (!) VictoriaLogs releases 😎
  • 15K stars on GitHub

What’s new in VictoriaMetrics at Q2 2024

New Features Highlights

Let’s Encrypt support

All the VictoriaMetrics Enterprise components support automatic issuing of TLS certificates for public HTTPS servers via Let’s Encrypt service. Read more.

VictoriaMetrics k8s operator

Operator simplifies VictoriaMetrics cluster installation, upgrading and managing. See all the latest features.

Helm chart: victoriametrics-distributed

This chart sets up multiple VictoriaMetrics cluster instances on multiple Availability Zones:

  • Improved reliability
  • Faster read queries
  • Easy maintenance

See all the latest features updates here.

VictoriaMetrics in the Cloud: Update

  • VictoriaMetrics Cloud trial period extended to 30 days, which starts when you create your first deployment
  • New API Keys
    • Available in global and per-deployment scope
    • Alerting and recording rules management
  • New Alerting and Recording Rules
    • Upload recording and alerting rules via UI and API
    • No additional cost
    • Internal Alertmanager
    • Dedicated installation for vmalert and alertmanager per deployment
    • Overview of all alerts
    • Deep overview of single alert
    • Silences and full control of AM configuration
  • Update of Monitoring tab
    • Better UI and navigation
    • Explanation for every panel
  • Updates re: integrations
    • Managed Prometheus
    • Compatibility With Popular Ingestion Protocols
      • OpenTelemetry, InfluxDB, DataDog, NewRelic, OpenTSDB & Graphite
    • Grafana Cloud
    • AWS PrivateLink

The Latest on VictoriaLogs: Happy 1 Year Anniversary

  • Open source database for logs
  • Easy to setup and operate - just a single executable with sane default configs
  • Works great with both structured and plaintext logs
  • Uses up to 30x less RAM and up to 15x disk space than Elasticsearch
  • Provides simple yet powerful query language for VictoriaLogs - LogsQL

New Features Highlights

  • Improved querying HTTP API
  • Add /select/logsql/tail HTTP endpoint, which can be used for live tailing of LogsQL query results
  • Data ingestion via Syslog protocol
  • Automatic parsing of Syslog fields
  • Supported transports:
    • UDP
    • TCP
    • TCP+TLS
  • Gzip and deflate compression support
  • Ability to configure distinct TCP and UDP ports with distinct settings
  • Automatic log streams with (hostname, app_name, app_id) fields

See all the latest VictoriaLogs features

LogsQL Improvements

The latest set of features is focused on analytics enhancement:

We’re happy to share that our query language LogsQL can now be used for logs analysis when data is wrapped in different ways (json, syslog), extracting subfields from messages, and support for enhancement filters.

  • Filtering shorthands
  • week_range and day_range filters
  • Limiters
  • Log analytics
  • Data extraction & transformation
  • Additional filtering
  • Sorting

For more details, visit the LogsQL documentation

VictoriaLogs Roadmap

  • Accept logs via OpenTelemetry protocol
  • VMUI improvements based on HTTP querying API
  • Improve Grafana plugin for VictoriaLogs
  • Cluster version
    • Try single-node VictoriaLogs: It can replace 30-node Elasticsearch cluster in production
  • Transparent historical data migration to object storage such as S3
    • Try single-node VictoriaLogs with persistent volumes: It compresses 1TB of production logs from Kubernetes to 20GB

View the VictoriaLogs roadmap

Also check the new VictoriaLogs PlayGround

Q2 2024 VictoriaMetrics Virtual Meetup

For a more detailed description and discussion of the topics covered in this blog, please watch the recording of our second virtual meetup this year.

Many thanks in particular to Alexis Ducastel from Blackswift & Calum Miller from Millersoft for their guest talks!

Thanks to all of you who participated in the meetup - you can watch the recording here, and Subscribe to our YouTube channel.

VictoriaMetrics Meetup June 2024 - VictoriaLogs Update

Community Podcasts & Talks

Join a VictoriaMetrics User Meetup Group

We’re starting to organize in-person meetups as well, please do join us for one of these groups. If you’d like to start a group in a city that is not listed here yet, please let us know in the comments.

Where to Meet Our Team: Upcoming Talks & Events

VictoriaMetrics in the News!

We’ve had some nice press coverage in the past few months as well as some community articles that have been published - thank you for these, and please let us know if you’d like to talk to us about what we do, or if you have any suggestions on articles that we could help with also.

Our Recent Blog Posts

This sums up our Q2 2024!

As always, we welcome your feedback and questions, so feel free to use the comments box below!

Leave a comment below or Contact Us if you have any questions!
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