How to reduce expenses on monitoring: Swapping in VictoriaMetrics for Prometheus
This blog post is the first in the series of the blog posts based on the talk about ‘How to reduce expenses on monitoring’, stackconf 2023. It is about open-source instruments and techniques from theVictoriaMetrics ecosystem for improving cost-efficiency of monitoring.
5 Year Anniversary Celebrations
We’re celebrating 5 years of VictoriaMetrics and this blog post shares details on our top 5 stats, contributors, commentators and more! Happy anniversary!
Performance optimization techniques in time series databases: sync.Pool for CPU-bound operations
This blog post is the fourth in the series of blog posts based on the talk about ‘Performance optimizations in Go’, GopherCon 2023. It is dedicated to various optimization techniques used in VictoriaMetrics for improving performance and resource usage.
VictoriaMetrics Enterprise, the World’s Fastest Open-Source-Based Monitoring: Try It for Free
VictoriaMetrics Enterprise is now available as a free trial - start yours today! Read the announcement for details.
Anomaly Detection for Time Series Data: Techniques and Models
This blog post series centers on Anomaly Detection (AD) and Root Cause Analysis (RCA) within time-series data. In Chapter 3, we delve into a variety of advanced anomaly detection techniques, encompassing supervised, semi-supervised, and unsupervised approaches, each tailored to different data scenarios and challenges in time-series analysis.
Performance optimization techniques in time series databases: Limiting concurrency
This blog post is a third in the series of the blog posts based on the talk about ‘Performance optimizations in Go’, GopherCon 2023. It is dedicated to various optimization techniques used in VictoriaMetrics for improving performance and resource usage.
Performance optimization techniques in time series databases: function caching
This blog post is a second in the series of the blog posts based on the talk about ‘Performance optimizations in Go’, GopherCon 2023. It is dedicated to various optimization techniques used in VictoriaMetrics for improving performance and resource usage.
Performance optimization techniques in time series databases: strings interning
This blog post is a first in the series of the blog posts based on the talk about ‘Performance optimizations in Go’, GopherCon 2023. It is dedicated to various optimization techniques used in VictoriaMetrics for improving performance and resource usage.
Momentum: Announcing 268 Million Downloads & 320% Growth in 2023
Read this momentum release to learn more about VictoriaMetrics achieving 320% growth in 2023 & hitting 268 million downloads of our open source time series database and monitoring solution.
Anomaly Detection for Time Series Data: Anomaly Types
This blog post series centers on Anomaly Detection (AD) and Root Cause Analysis (RCA) within time-series data. In this second part, we explore the distinct anomaly types inherent to time-series and offer insights on how to tackle them effectively.