Go sync.Once is Simple... Does It Really?
The sync.Once is probably the easiest sync primitive to use, but there’s more under the hood than you might think. It’s also a good opportunity to understand how it works by juggling both atomic operations and mutexes.
Meet Our Team at KubeCon North America 2024
Come say hello at booth R17 for KubeCon 2024 in Salt Lake City, meet our team, and find out about the latest updates on our new VictoriaLogs solution, VictoriaMetrics Enterprise, anomaly detection capabilities, and more
Monitoring Azure AKS & Azure Linux with VictoriaMetrics
Learn how to monitor Azure AKS and Azure Linux with VictoriaMetrics. This blog post covers the setup process for environments with high security requirements and how to monitor them with VictoriaMetrics.
Go I/O Closer, Seeker, WriterTo, and ReaderFrom
Still, we haven’t really covered some other important interfaces, like Closer, Seeker, and a few others. And honestly, if you’re learning Go, you probably don’t want to leave those in the blind spot.
Go I/O Readers, Writers, and Data in Motion
The io.Reader and io.Writer interfaces are probably some of the most common tools. Today, we’re kicking off the I/O series by taking a look at a lot of these readers and writers, and pointing out some common mistakes — like using io.ReadAll in ways that can backfire.
Go sync.Map: The Right Tool for the Right Job
Go’s sync.Map isn’t a magic bullet for all concurrent map needs. It’s got some good tricks up its sleeve, like handling reads without locking, but it’s not always the best choice. This article dives into how sync.Map works under the hood, from its two-map system to the bottom line of expunged entries.
Inside Go's Unique Package: String Interning Simplified
When you’ve got several identical values in your code, you only store one copy. Instead of having several copies of the same thing, they all just point to this one version, which is a lot more efficient. It’s a process often called ‘interning’ in programming circles.
Go Singleflight Melts in Your Code, Not in Your DB
What singleflight does is ensure that only one of those goroutines actually runs the operation, like getting the data from the database. It allows only one ‘in-flight’ (ongoing) operation for the same piece of data (known as a ‘key’) at any given moment.
Go sync.Cond, the Most Overlooked Sync Mechanism
In Go, sync.Cond is a synchronization primitive, though it’s not as commonly used as its siblings like sync.Mutex or sync.WaitGroup. That said, as a Go engineer, you don’t really want to find yourself reading through code that uses sync.Cond and not have a clue what’s going on.
The Rise of Open Source Time Series Databases
Time series databases are essential tools in any software engineer’s toolbelt. Their development has been shaped by user needs and countless open source contributors, leading to the healthy ecosystem of options we see today. In this article, you’ll see how time series databases came about, and why so many are open source.